Tag Archives: lipomas

Liver Cleansing to Treat Lipomas

Liver cleansing is a high effective option which can be used for the treatment of lipomas. Given that lipomas are produced as a result of toxins becoming trapped within the fat tissue of the body it makes perfect sense to cleanse the body of these toxins in the first place. This will reduce or even prevent the occurrence of lipomas. The liver is a vital organ which helps the body to process fats and therefore maintains the body’s metabolism. If the liver is not performing to its […]

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Can Green Tea Be Used to Get Rid of Lipomas

Lipomas are soft fatty deposits about the size of a garden pea that form under the surface of the skin. The direct cause of a lipoma is still something of a mystery and why we get them is generally put down to being a family trait. But treating them is something which has taken up interest, particularly for those interested in natural remedies and who prefer to use herbal cures as opposed to the more traditional surgical approach. Known worldwide for its valuable detoxifying properties, green tea […]

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Herbal Treatments for Lipomas

As with any health complaint or medical condition prevention and treatment can always start by looking at our lifestyle and diet. The presence of a lipoma is a relatively common condition, classified as a fatty lump found just below the skins surface. They are harmless and generally painless growths of fat cells, which are more often than none either left alone or removed surgically if they become bothersome. Upon diagnosis, most health professionals will tend to stir the patient away from surgery. This is perhaps due to […]

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Lifestyle Changes and Lipomas

Lipomas are pretty common amongst us and for many we may not even be aware that we even have any present underneath our skin. More often than not a lipoma can grow and deposit itself within the body without us ever knowing. It is not unless a lipoma grows to a size that makes detection obvious or becomes either infected or uncomfortable that we would even worry about these little fatty lumps and what is the cause behind them. Lifestyle changes are always up there as the […]

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